The Meaning of Abrasion is Shoreline Damage, Process Occurs, and How to Prevent It

The Meaning of Abrasion is Shoreline Damage, Process Occurs, and How to Prevent It

 If you understand the meaning of abrasion, which is damage to the coastline due to natural and human influences, how do you prevent abrasion? The Ministry of Education and Culture explained that how to prevent abrasion consists of four main things.

This is an explanation of how to prevent abrasion that you need to know:

1. Mangrove Replanting

The way to prevent abrasion is to replant mangroves. Planting mangrove forests as a way to prevent abrasion is started by rehabilitating coastal environments where mangroves are already extinct. This method of preventing abrasion is carried out either due to the abrasion itself or from the clearing of pond land.

2. Ban on Beach Sand Excavation

The way to prevent abrasion is to prohibit the excavation of coastal sand. He explained, how to prevent abrasion is very necessary regulations both at the local and central government levels, which regulate the prohibition of large-scale excavation of beach sand. This is especially true in areas with residents who do not pay attention to environmental sustainability.

3. Making Breakwaters

The way to prevent abrasion is to make a breakwater. Why is the manufacture of breakwaters as a means of preventing abrasion important? Breakwaters as a means of preventing abrasion are needed on the coasts because they can reduce the strength of the waves hitting the coast.

4. Coral Reef Conservation

The way to prevent abrasion is to conserve coral reefs. Coral reefs are conserved as a way to prevent abrasion with the aim of reducing the strength of large waves reaching the coast. Therefore, how to prevent abrasion by conserving coral reefs by making regulations to protect their habitat is very important.


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